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1948 Alfa Romeo 6C 2500 Super Sport Pininfarina Cabriolet
Very Superior Old Cars

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This superb and rare short chassis Pininfarina convertible was sold to Prague when new. Not only is it a very early example which features its original and rare all alloy bodywork but it also has special details to the body made for the first owner. The pictures on file from its very early days show the rare and original bodywork. Already in the early fifties it arrived in the U.S.A. where it belonged to Alec Uhlmann, among others. We also have pictures on file from the late sixties when in the USA being prepared for restoration. In the early nineties it was comprehensively restored and after that it was sold to a Belgian collector who took great care of it. When the car came to Holland it had a non matching engine (un-numbered) and was then changed for another but correct SS engine. The previous owner had the engine rebuilt at the excellent mechanics at Mugello Engineering. We then sold the car to the current owner. Since then the car has entered the 2022 & 2023 Mille Miglia on the freshened mechanics. The car is accepted in the Registro Mille Miglia (eligible). With the car comes its history file with all appropriate FIVA papers and EEC registration. Few automobiles rival the elegance and racing lineage of the Alfa Romeo 6C 2500. The 6C 2500 became one of the most expensive and refined cars of its era, attracting a worldwide celebrity clientele, particularly those enamored with the highly desirable top-of-the-line Super Sport Cabriolet.
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