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1954 Jaguar XK120 OTS
Very Superior Old Cars

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According to its Jaguar Heritage Trust Certificate, the car shown here was manufactured on 15 March in 1954 and dispatched on 29 March to Hoffman, New York, USA. The car is presented as ordered new in the colour ‘cream’ with a red interior and a black soft top. It is a fast matching number ‘SE’ or Special Equipment model delivering 180 bhp instead of 160 bhp. At the end of 1999 the car was exported to The Netherlands in a good solid original condition but needing restoration (see picture). In the period 2000-2002 the car was frame up restored by Dutch Jaguar specialists Kolvenbach. The restoration is well documented with invoices and many pictures. Since the restoration the car has been well maintained by Jaguar specialists. The current owner bought the car in 2012 and enjoyed it very much! He participated with this car in – among others – the 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018 and 2021 Gran Premio Nuvolari rally. He informs us that he always finished without any problems. This XK120 benefits from adjustable seats while the original seat parts are with the car. Very suitable for long drivers – 190 cm length without any problems. Furthermore the car comes with chrome wire-wheels, an extra cooling fan, fog lights, aluminium radiator, Halda tripmaster, side windows, tonneau cover and a black convertible roof. The dedicated owner spent approximately 20.000 Euro maintaining the car to a high standard over the last 12 years. The bodywork shows it has had a specialist high quality restoration and also the paintwork shows very well. The body is straight and panel fit is excellent. The engine starts on the button and shows a healthy oil pressure. The Moss gearbox is not the fastest but is a delight to use. The interior is in great condition and only has some wear on the foot carpets – the leather seats are in lovely condition. The result is a superb and fast XK120 ‘SE’ Roadster in very well prepared condition! The car is Dutch (EEC) registered and is a matching number & colour ’Special Equipment’ model which comes with a nice history file and several spare items as described above. Furthermore the car comes with a FIVA historic passport.
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