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1956 Jaguar XK 140 SE OTS C-Type cylinder head
Thiesen Hamburg GmbH

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Colour British racing green


Interior Leather suede green


Gearbox Manual shift


Drive Left

Equipment C-Type cylinder head 4x disc brakes w. power steering assistance Bucket seats Chrome spoke wheels Optimised cooling system Overdrive Electric ignition system Stainless steel exhaust system A total of 3,350 examples of the Jaguar XK 140 OTS were produced between 1954 and 1957. This XK 140 was first delivered to the USA. A few years ago, the car returned to Europe and was restored ‘frame-off’ by a German jaguar specialist around 15 years ago. The vehicle has been driven regularly since restauration. The mileage since restoration is around 10,000 km. The vehicle impresses with its outstanding condition and a very classic and elegant colour combination.
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