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1957 Alfa Romeo Giulietta Sprint
Driver Source Fine Motorcars

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In Stock

United States


Vin AR149303052


Engine number AR 1315.02799 (matching numbers)


Body number 652843


Exterior Color Cardinal Red


Interior Color Red with White


Production Date September 14, 1956


Delivery Date October 14, 1956


Market Destination Mexico City

Original Matching Numbers Car (Chassis & Engine) Documented Purchase History Restoration Documentation & Photos Technical Data Documents Documented Maintenance History Verified by Alfa Romero Classiche Certificate of Origin and accompanying Letter from Centro Documentazione Alfa Romeo Eligible candidate to participate in important Vintage Car Rallies across the world. Lifelong Mexican resident, From Enthusiast Ownership Complete with and Supported by Original Owner's Manual, Large Records Dossier, and Emergency Equipment Engine Compression PSI/Cylinder 1. 170 PSI 2. 170 PSI 3. 155 PSI 4. 167 PSI DSFM is proud to present an exciting collection of “lost & found”, but not forgotten European collector cars - spanning four decades of production. The As-Discovered Collection represents an enthusiast's dream find. Leading the way, is a remarkably rare 1967 Lamborghini 400GT - which was discovered in a California property, dormant for over forty years, and is 1 of Just 247 early models produced from the marque. Other intriguing models from the line-up include highly desirable sports cars and luxury tourers of the 1960's-80's. A fantastic opportunity for astute collectors across the globe.
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