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1958 Alfa Romeo Giulietta Sprint Veloce 'VYX 2'
Duncan Hamilton Rofgo Ltd

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Ex-Richard Shepherd-Barron (Le Mans class-winner) – ex-Border Reivers – tested by world champion Jim Clark. Period race history at the likes of Goodwood, Spa Francorchamps, Monza, with a huge number of period race wins. Goodwood and Mille Miglia eligible. Highlights in the life of this incredible period race car: bought in 1958 for racing by Richard Shepherd-Barron then working at Alfa Romeo U.K. VYX2 was immediately road tested by John Bolster for Autosport magazine Richard had ordered an Allegerita spec car but received this 750 transition car so retro fitted the lighter aluminium panels with help from Cooper in the U.K. Richard then raced the car prolifically, and with huge success, through 1959 and 1960 VYX2 raced all over Europe including at Goodwood, Silverstone, Spa (long circuit) and Monza in international GT races The duo was hugely successful with the Alfa Factory preparing and supporting the car for the Coppa Inter Europa at Monza and ultimately awarding Richard the prestigious Gold Cloverleaf for his success in an Alfa Richard was great friends with Jim Clark so was invited to enter the car with the famous Border Reivers team Jim Clark drove the car in testing at Charterhall to compare it with the Elite Richard sold the car to Chris Lawrence’s Uncle before being acquired by a Dutch collector. (Richard would go on to win his class at Le Mans in the works Morgan shared with Chris Lawrence in 1961) Today the car remains incredibly original and has been inspected by Richard himself. The interior is original (not seats) including a number of the original stickers on the dashboard and the panels are original bar (we believe) door skins. mechanically the car is running a 1300cc engine and fast road / race set up from Alfaholics and it has been run with success in Pre-63 GT racing and also regularity rallies Superbly eligible for key events including Goodwood Revival, where it competed at the 2024 Goodwood Revival
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