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1958 Jaguar XK150
Dylan Miles Ltd

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United Kingdom





This XK150 3.4 Drophead Coupe was constructed on 30th May 1958 and subsequently exported to the USA on the 18th June of the same year, destined for supplying dealer Jaguar Cars New York. The car was built to North American specification, originally finished in Carmen Red with red trim Retained within the comprehensive history file is a previous US certificate of title from the State of California, dated July 1990, prior to its repatriation to the UK in the mid 1990s, whereupon it was the subject of an extensive restoration and conversion to right hand drive steering by leading Jaguar exponents J.D. Classics, who later supplied this XK to the vendor in September 2000 During the restoration this superb example was re-finished in dark blue coachwork with a dark blue hood and a grey leather interior finished off with blue carpets and rugs, walnut dash and Sun Dym glass The engine was rebuilt to the highest standards, lightened, balanced and upgraded to ‘S’ specification with the addition of triple SU carburettors mated to ‘S’ inlet manifolds and an ‘S’ spec air-box. Further engine upgrades included a toughened crank shaft, balanced con rods with high compression pistons and the original cylinder head fully rebuilt to ‘S’ specification The XK further benefits from many upgrades designed to make it more useable in modern traffic including a 5 speed all synchromesh gearbox, power steering, electronic choke, uprated brakes, poly bushed suspension, JD sports callipers, twin servos split between front and rear for differential braking, limited slip differential, adjustable shocks, gaitered rear springs, twin performance switchable fuel pumps and a modified battery compartment. The inner wings have been modified as per the original ‘S’ specification Other modifications include an electronic ignition, uprated alternator, negative earth conversion and stainless-steel exhaust manifold and exhaust. In addition a new alloy radiator was fitted to enhance cooling, finished in black with a sealed expansion tank and an electric fan with both automatic and manual control. The XK was also fitted with desirable Borrani type aluminium rimmed wire wheels and fast road tyres The extensive history file documents a huge quantity of servicing, maintenance and improvements completed by JD classics over the past twenty years. This exceptional example has clearly been cherished and enjoyed during the vendors twenty three year ownership attested to by invoices on file totalling almost £100,000 during his ownership In addition to the aforementioned invoices, the file contains a Jaguar Heritage certificate, multiple MOT certificates dating back to 2000 as well as an operating, maintenance and service handbook. The car passed an advisory-free MOT in November of 2022, having completed a mere 9,188 miles since its restoration. Without doubt one of the finest XK150 Drophead’s on the market today and restored to perfection with a host of sensible upgrades, we challenge you to find better!
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