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1959 BMW 507 Roadster Series II
Thiesen Hamburg GmbH

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From 1956 to 1959, a total of 252 BMW 507s were produced. BMW presented the Type 507 at the IAA 1955. With a price of almost DM 30,000, the car was almost as expensive as a Mercedes 300 SL, which was only offered as a roadster from 1957. This meant that it was only affordable for extremely well-heeled customers, which also led to an extremely low production figure of just 252 vehicles. The body was designed by industrial designer Albrecht Graf Goertz. The body was made of aluminium. Today, the 507 is considered a design icon and is a highly sought-after collector’s item. The vehicle presented here is one of the last examples built and, according to the BMW certificate and original registration document (“Pappdeckelbrief”), it was delivered to its first owner in Frankfurt in 1959 in the colour featherwhite. The vehicle was delivered from the factory with disc brakes and central locking wheels. The current owner acquired the car in July 1973. Around 25 years ago, the vehicle was completely restored by the renowned BMW 507 specialist Erwin Brummer through the mediation of BMW AG in accordance with the documentation provided. In addition to the complete documentation, it is particularly remarkable that this example is one of the few BMW 507s still in existence that is still completely original in all its components, including the engine. A comprehensive expertise by a renowned expert is available. This is an opportunity not to be missed and a must-have for any important collection. Engine 3,2 litre V8-engine, 150 hp (factory data)
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