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1959 Maserati 3500 GT Touring
Oldtimer Galerie International GmbH

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Body Color light blue


Color inside cream


Steering left


Gearbox manual


Gears 4


Cylinders 6


Displacement 3461cm3


HP 230

As one of only 937 coupé built with the sought-after carburettor engine this stunning Maserati 3500 with chassis number 101-538 was handed over to its first owner on the 24th July 1959 by Maserati agent Jean Thépenier. According to the Maserati register, the car was later sold by the 1st owner to a gentleman in England who later on sold the GT to Hollande. In 2012 the Maserati was then completely restored for its second Dutch owner. The coachwork was repainted from the original “Grigio Scuro” to the current light blue, an original Maserati colour. The matching numbers engine as well as the gearbox and the rest of the mechanical bits received a comprehensive overhaul. The interior was restored with light beige leather and blue carpets. In 2023 the 3500 was taken over by the vendor and imported into Germany. Currently the Maserati is in outstanding condition and will be sold with a Maserati certificate and a exhaustive documentation of its history and restoration. The car has German documents on H-plates and Swiss custom duties have so far not been paid. For a Swiss buyer the car will be custom-cleared by the vendor.
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