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1959 Mercedes-Benz 190 SL
Cool Classic Club

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In Stock



Power 104 PK


Color Silbergrau


Interior Blue


Transmission Manual

"A roadster for those who appreciate both beauty and engineering." - Mercedes Benz Let's take a step back in time, to the year 1959. The smell of freshly ground coffee fills the air, emanating from the bustling coffee houses where people gather on a spring morning. The sound of a soft purr attracts the attention of passers-by. A sleek Mercedes-Benz, with the iconic star proudly displayed on the radiator grille, turns the corner and gracefully comes to a halt in the middle of the boulevard. Eyes follow the elegant lines of the car. There stands the 190SL, the elegant and stylish counterpart to its big brother, the legendary 300SL. The 190SL, which originated from the design of the Mercedes 'Ponton', was first unveiled at the New York Auto Show. A year later, in Geneva, the production version was presented to the general public. Remarkably, this beautiful roadster was not positioned as a pure sports car, but as a luxurious, comfortable two-seater. This turned out to be a golden move—between 1955 and 1963, more than 25,000 units left the German production line, each with the same attention to detail and craftsmanship. This Cool Classic has received full technical attention. Maintained with care and love, everything has been done to bring it into top technical condition. Although the paint technique is somewhat outdated, this does not detract from the charm and quality of the car. The car is completely ready for wonderfully enjoyable rides. Can we leave that to you?
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