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1960 Jaguar XK150 DHC
Cool Classic Club

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In Stock



Power 220 PK


Date Part I June 30, 1960


Color British Racing Green


Interior Black leather


Transmission Manual


VAT deductible No

The XK150 was the successor to the XK120 and XK140. The type name referred to the cars top speed in miles per hour. In reality, the 150 just missed that speed, but at 135 mph it was one of the fastest production cars in the world at the time. However, that disappointment did not stop there, because these are beautiful cars! And let's be honest. 135mph in an XK150. You really don't need anything louder. The XK150 distinguishes itself from its predecessors by its curved windscreen, which consists of one whole instead of a split window. The hood of the XK120 was divided in two and fitted with a decorative strip, which also resulted in a slightly wider grille. The windshield has been moved slightly back, making the front look a little longer. Our XK 150 3.8 DHC comes from Eberhard Thiesen and has been completely restored to originality, including a heritage certificate indicating that the car has matching numbers. Whether you're looking for a solid XK150 or just want to experience the thrill of driving a true classic, this Jaguar offers both. You no longer have to worry about the bodywork or technology with this copy. And as soon as you feel the power steering in overdrive on the merge lane on the highway, all worries disappear at the same time.
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