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1960 Maserati 3500 GT by Touring
RM Sotheby's

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United Kingdom


Thought to be one of around 2,000 examples made of the 3500 GT coupé


Attractively styled grand tourer with elegant coachwork by Touring


Powered by a 3.5-litre, inline-six Tipo 101 engine paired with a five-speed manual gearbox


Early production version with Weber carburettor set-up


Restored during its prolonged stay in the United States

Maserati had built a highly successful reputation in the racing world but its success did not come without a price. By the mid-1950s, the cost of maintaining a factory race team was straining the company’s bank account. Wanting to refocus its efforts on road cars that would earn a potential profit, the factory racing programme was temporarily put on hold in 1958. The marque continued to support privateers while attentions turned to balancing the books through a line of luxurious road-going models. Development of Maserati’s first purpose-built road car, the 3500 GT, took place starting in 1956. Introduced at the 1957 Geneva Motor Show, the first few completed cars were delivered at the very end of 1957. Featuring an elegant 2+2 design by Giulio Alfieri, the Superleggara hand-formed aluminium-over-tubular frame coachwork was created by Carrozzeria Touring. Maserati’s 3,500-cc race-bred engine was converted to wet sump and tuned for street use. The 3500 GT was a success, and the handsome grand touring car helped the company turn a profit. It stayed in production until 1964 after a little under 2,000 coupés were made, paving the way for the great GT models for years to come. The example offered here is believed to have been delivered new to the United States as one of the last 3500 GT coupés finished in 1960. The early production car is marked out by its Weber carburettor set-up, with later versions notably becoming the first Italian-made production car to use a fuel injection system. Through Maserati ownership registries, it is believed that chassis AM101*998 was once owned by prominent US-based collectors, Herb Young and Alan Cordan. The car was later owned by a keeper in Connecticut before joining its next owner some years later. Under their guidance, the Maserati was restored by a Connecticut-based workshop. This included rebuilding the braking system, carburettors, engine, and suspension while reviewing the electrical system. A new fuel tank was also installed. The interior was reupholstered in black leather, the driver’s seat rails were extended to accommodate taller occupants, while many instruments around the dashboard were either restored or renewed. The Maserati was acquired at auction in 2019 and brought to the UK one year later. An invoice on file notes that the car was taken to Neil Twyman for mechanical fine-tuning for its new owner. An excellent alternative to a contemporary Aston Martin or Ferrari, the charming 3500 GT helped return Maserati to prosperity and further cement its name in the post-war sports car world. Benefitting from a recent restoration, this example would make a fine addition to any collection.
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