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1960 Porsche 356 B 1600 Super 90
Very Superior Old Cars

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This particular example is a lovely Porsche 356 B 1600 Super 90 Roadster by Drauz from 1960 with desirable T5 bodywork. The car was originally delivered via dealer Islinger in Mannheim, Germany, to Herrn Bruno Schoechle from Heidelberg. The 2nd owner was a Mr. Zubile from Stuttgart and a 3rd owner is also mentioned on the copy of the Wagenkarte. The car was delivered new in Reihergrau (a light grey) with a Kunstleder interior with Liegesitze (adjustable seats) and Dunlop tyres. Between 1960 and 1966, the car went back for work to the dealer no less than 7 times for ‘Gewaehrleistung’. In 1966 the mileage was 50.587 km recorded. After that we know the car went to Italy where it was registered in the Registro Italiano Porsche. We are trying to find more history from the years in Italy. According to the built sheet, the car was delivered new with engine nr. 800765. Sometime during its 64 year life – probably in the early days – the engine was changed to correct type S90 engine nr. 800739, so only 26 nrs. apart from the first number. In 2000 the car arrived in the Netherlands with its first Dutch owner on whose behalf we sold the car in 2002 to the current owner. The body has been repainted, has had a good anti rust treatment and still shows very well. The underside is straight, clean and in very good condition. The interior has kept up very well. The cars starts easy, runs on 12V and shifts easy. In the 22 year ownership the car has seen some 30.000 km of pleasurable touring. The car comes with valuation reports, pictures from part restoration work, invoices and Dutch registration. In 2020 the convertible roof was renewed (3.500 Euro) and in July 2024 new Michelin XWX ‘White Wall’ tyres were fitted (which could be turned around). A rare Super 90 Roadster delivered new in Germany and attractively priced. Fresh out of 22 year ownership!
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