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1961 Lancia Flaminia 2500 GT Touring
Oldtimer Galerie International GmbH

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In Stock



Color inside red


Steering left


Gearbox manual


Gears 4


Cylinders 6


Displacement 2458cm3


HP 119

This fantastic Lancia Coupé with its Touring coachwork, one of 863 examples built, with a 2.5 litre engine V6 delivering 119 horsepower was registered in July 1961, most probably in Italy. Many years ago, the Flaminia was imported and registered in Switzerland. Around 15 years ago the coachwork was restored and repainted with the interior left in its original condition, showing a lovely age correct patina. In 2011 the Lancia was taken over by the vendor who gave it the necessary exercise whilst performing thorough maintenance on the car. In 2020, around 1’000 kilometres ago, the rear crankshaft seal was replaced, the valves adjusted, the suspension overhauled and the rear dampers replaced. The Italian luxury Coupé is in good condition and is ready to revive 60s Italian cinematic dolce vita for its next lucky owner. The most recent Veteran MOT dates from June 2019.
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