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1961 Lancia Flaminia GT 2.5 Convertible

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United Kingdom


COLOUR Newmarket Grey


TRIM Red Sky Leather




LOCATION Shropshire

Previously prepared by Lancia experts A rare and beautiful Italian sports car Restored in Italy in the late 1990's Original colour combination A charming example benefiting from a comprehensive restoration Supplied new to the USA in 1961, finished in Newmarket Grey with a red sky leather interior. Little is known of the cars early history, but in 1989 it was acquired by Mr R D Pardilla of San Francisco who purchased the car when it was painted in a bright red. The previous owner had replaced the original engine with the correct type of engine which the car is fitted with today. After 10 years of ownership Mr R D Pardilla sold the car to Mr Burbani Senior, who later in 1999 sold the car to his son R Burbani Junior who imported the car to Italy where a nut and bolt restoration commenced. It was clear the car was destined to be restored into a perfect example, the car was returned to its original colour of New Market Grey, 3 years into the restoration the car was sold to noted British collector Mr Harmond who finished the restoration in Italy. Chassis 824041328 was acquired by our client in 2019 from Lancia experts Thornley Kelham of Cirencester who prepared the car in the condition it shows now and completed a full service prior to hand-over. The car is presented in good condition throughout. There are, however, various marks and blemishes around the car, including cracking in the lacquer along the tops of the front and rear passenger side wings, and some light bubbling in the lacquer on the sill just below the front corner of the driver’s door. The car is complete with a detailed history file and restoration file which shows the labour of love which went into restoring the car and maintaining it since.
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