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1962 Ferrari 250 GTE
Cool Classic Club

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In Stock



Color Sky blue


Interior Beige


Transmission Manual


VAT deductible No

Born in 1952, the 250 Series marks Ferrari's first series production cars, with the unmistakable power of the famed Colombo V12 engine. Built on the renowned longer sports car chassis, the 250 GTE combined luxury and performance as only Ferrari can. With its streamlined body, premium interior and class, it captured the hearts of men and women in the 1960s. With only 955 original units produced, the Ferrari 250 GTE is a specimen that flaunts itself like a female peacock with pheromones coursing through its body. The Ferrari 250 GTE can be admired in our Clubhouse. It is simply a pleasure to see this Ferrari 250 GTE Series II in real life. With its long hood and the seductive Azzuro (16240) exterior color and beige leather interior, it brings a Mediterranean feeling. Not to forget, this copy consists of completely matching numbers and colors! Originally gracing the roads of California, this icon has traveled through time, from the bustling streets of the US to the picturesque landscapes of Switzerland, before finding its place in the heart of the Netherlands.
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