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1962 Lotus Elite S2
Autostorico Partners LLP

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United Kingdom







Colin Chapman is undeniably amongst the most innovative of post war automotive engineers. Starting Lotus Engineering in 1952 from modest premises behind a North London pub, Chapman had set his sights on developing sports racing cars and then single seater formula cars to go alongside his limited production road cars. Aided by the employment of the yet unknown Graham Hill, these led, in 1958, to the pinnacle of motor sport Formula 1. The first Lotus Grand Prix victory was achieved the following year by Stirling Moss in Rob Walker’s privately entered innovative mid-engine Type 18 at Monaco. The Elite was a true road-going racing sports car with the comfort of a fixed head coupé, in which the owner could commute to work during the week before driving to the circuit at the weekend, often returning home with a trophy carefully packed in the boot. First seen at Earls Court in 1957, the early production examples appeared in 1959 following the company’s move to larger premises in Cheshunt. Powered by a Coventry-Climax SOHC four-cylinder engine mated to four-speed manual transmission the basic variant claimed a top speed of over 120mph. The model was the world’s first fibreglass monocoque body/chassis with an all-up weight of 684kg and ideal 50/50 front/rear weight distribution. The SE was introduced in 1960 as a higher-performance variant, featuring twin SU carburettors and fabricated exhaust manifold resulting in engine power output increasing to 85bhp (instead of 75bhp), In addition a ZF gearbox was in place of the standard MG version, Lucas PL700 headlamps and a roof painted in Silver. The Lotus Elite S2 offered at Autostorico is a 1962 registered example finished in Red with contrasting silver roof and Black leather interior trim. This stunning example has undergone a mechanical overhaul. Other documented works have included a reconditioned steering rack, front and rear wishbones, driveshafts and diff bearings with oil seals, rear disc pads, rebuilt dynamo, reconditioned voltage regulator and new chrome wire wheels. This exceptional example is supplied with history file including a current V5 registration certificate, numerous invoices, previous MOT’s, and other related documents.
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