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1963 Aston Martin DB5
Thiesen Hamburg GmbH

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Engine number 400 / 1494


Colour Caribeean Blue Met.


Interior Leder rot


Gearbox Manual shift


Drive Left


Power 286 PS

The Aston Martin DB 5 has long since become an icon. As a coupe, it was repeatedly used as 007's company car in numerous James Bond films, making it one of the most famous cars in the world! A small number of convertibles were also produced. Of the 1,063 DB 5s built, only 193 were left-hand drive (LHD). This DB 5 was completely restored in Berlin a few years ago and has only been driven for maintenance since then. During the restoration, the car was also fitted with electric power steering and was converted from right-hand drive to left-hand drive. A Becker Mexico Retro with NAVI is also part of the equipment.
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