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1963 Ferrari 250 GT Berlinetta SBW
Very Superior Old Cars

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The car shown here has left the factory as a Ferrari 250 GTE in 1962 and was sold to Toppan USA. After a few American owners the car was offered for sale in 1997 as a matching number project. In 2000 the car arrived in The Netherlands to be used for a 250 GT Berlinetta SWB ’61 Competizione project. Initially it was planned to be ready in about 2 years, but the decision was made to carry out all work in the Netherlands and therefore took longer than expected. The ‘SWB’ was built by Dutch Ferrari specialists Roelofs Engineering & Hietbrink Coachbuilding. The engine was competition prepared and gave 272 bhp on the dyno. The interior was done by Ferrari expertized upholstery specialist Henk van Lith. The restoration / rebuilt is very well documented with conversations between the owner and workshops, more than 200 pictures and all invoices are kept with the car. It is clear that no expenses were spared.. In 2009, a Historical Technical Passport (FIA Class GT 7) was associated by the KNAF and in April 2010 the car was finally ready. The owner couldn’t wait to go out and race his ‘new’ car! Almost immediately he took part with his ‘SWB’ in the 50th Anniversary edition of the Tour Auto rally and just a month later he participated in the 57th edition of the Dutch Tulpenrally. After the owner attended in a few more rally’s, he sold the car in 2021 to its current Dutch owner who kept the car in his collection. In 2024 the car has been repainted to concours condition by the well respected restoration shop of Mr. Tito Rubbio with a lot of attention to detail. The result is simply impressive and will not disappoint upon viewing. The ‘SWB’ is both cosmetically and mechanically in ‘Concours’ condition. This Ferrari is an interesting opportunity to experience the same unparalleled sensations as the original 250 GT SWB offers, for a significantly lower price. The car comes with an interesting history file including Automobile Club d’Italia (ACI) homologation papers. New FIA papers can be obtained for a new owner. Racing this car is just a dream..
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