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1963 Porsche 356 Carrera 2000 GS
Thiesen Hamburg GmbH

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Colour Rubinred


Interior black


Gearbox Manual shift


Drive Left


Power 130 PS

Porsche has built 356 from 1948 to 1965 – the last und strongest step of this 356 Evolution was the Carrera 2000 GS with 130 PS ( delivered by the so called Fuhrmann-Engine ). Ernst Fuhrmann, the later CEO of Porsche, has constructed this spectacular engine originally only for the Motorsport with Porsche. The construction of this engine was complicated , the camshafts were driven by vertical king shafts ( Königswelle ) and fired by 2 distributors ( Doppelzündung). The Carrera 2 was the first production Porsche with disc brakes! This rare 356 Carrera 2000 GS was delivered new in 1963 to Torino / Italy – one of only 27 with electric sunroof! Restored years ago in Germany – also the engine was completly restored by german marque and Carrera Specialist. Invoices , data card and due diligence come with the car. This Carrera will be delivered with the original Kronprinz-Steelwheels and Speedster seats are also availiable. We also can deliver a Walkaround-Video on demand.
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