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1964 Iso Rivolta GT 300
Lutziger Classic Cars AG

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In Stock



Engine size 5350 ccm


Cylinders 8


Doors 2


Seats 4


Exterior colour brown, gray


Interior colour black


MFK MOT veteran

The Iso Rivolta 300 GT offered here was in the same ownership in Portugal for over 28 years. Before the car was imported to Switzerland about 5 years ago, the bodywork was fully restored and the engine overhauled in Austria. This beautiful Iso Rivolta 300 GT is in very good condition, veteran-approved. The original maintenance manual and the Portuguese registration and veteran’s papers are present. The Iso Rivolta 300 GT is an Italian sports car from the 1960s. Iso is known for combining elegant, powerful GT cars with American V8 engines, resulting in high performance and reliability. The design was by Giorgetto Giugiaro, who worked for Bertone at the time. The car was powered by a Chevrolet V8 engine, which originally came from the Corvette. The 5.4-liter engine (327 cubic inches) produced around 300 hp, hence the name “300 GT”. The Iso Rivolta 300 GT had a well-tuned chassis developed by Giotto Bizzarrini, a former Ferrari engineer. The combination of Italian chassis artistry and American engine technology made the car both powerful and comfortable on long journeys. Due to its low production numbers and its importance as an early model in Iso Rivolta history, the Iso Rivolta 300 GT is now a rare and sought-after collector’s car. This model laid the foundation for later models such as the Iso Grifo, which was also based on the combination of Italian design and American technology.
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