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1965 Chevrolet Corvette C2 Callaway Competition
Lutziger Classic Cars AG

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ENGINE SIZE 5359 ccm















The brute Corvette C2 Callaway Competition – 327 cu-in offered here, started its life in 1965 as a 300 hp coupe with a Powerglide automatic transmission in the USA. Giovanni Ciccone, a partner in Leingarten-based tuner Wöhr & Ciccone (later Callaway Competition), bought this ’65 in 1986 with the goal of restoring it for street use. In the middle of the restoration, Achim Kolb bought the car from Giovanni and commissioned Wöhr & Ciccone to build it up as a race car. Built up in the livery of Dick Guldstrand’s ’67 Le Mans entry, Herbert Schürg drove “Tante Luis”, as the special race car was called, to victory in the Vintage GT Championship in the ‘over 4 liter’ category of the FiA at the Nürburgring in 1991 and 1992. After several years of hard racing, the Corvette was bought by Uli Martini-Berberich in 1997 and again rebuilt by Wöhr & Ciccone, now Callaway Competition, on bare frame to FiA standards. In 1999, former German F1 driver Jochen Mass and Uli Martini-Berberich left many Cobra Daytona Coupes, Jaguars and Ferrari GT’s behind and finished third overall with this Corvette at the British Goodwood Festival of Speed. The start of exactly this race at Goodwood can be watched on YouTube – Epic start to 1999 RAC TT at Goodwood Revival. Also in 2000 Uli Martini-Berberich secures another 3rd place at the FiA Oldtimer Grand Prix at the Nürburgring. Incredibly, the car was measured at 175 miles per hour (281 km/h) on the main straight – in the rain. Not bad for a design from the 60s! Uli Martini-Berberich still drove to 1st place at Spa a year later. From 2001 to 2006 the Corvette C2 Callaway Competition was used in further races before it was totally overhauled and put into storage. In 2020, the race car was bought by a Swiss and imported. The 327 cu-in engine with over 530 hp was built by the very well known TRA-CO Racing Engines USA and has approximately 9 hours of operation since total overhaul. The perfectly tuned weight distribution of only 1209 kg is a fabulous 51.6% front and 48.4% rear. To date, various replacements have been made, brakes done as well as the driveshafts and rear axle overhauled. A whole folder full of documents, invoices, reports and many photos is available. This beautiful Corvette C2 Callaway Competition is in top maintained and professionally serviced (new) condition and ready for some new action.
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