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1966 Ford Mustang
Cool Classic Club

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Power 200 PK


Date Part I February 1, 1966


Color Signal Flare Red


Interior Red leather


Transmission Automatic


VAT deductible No

All you need is an open road, low gears, high revs and a V8 Mustang Convertible. -Ken Miles And we can't argue with that. Because you simply cannot hide that smile when you start the 4.7 liter V8! The Mustang was introduced in 1964, along with the Chevrolet Chevelle and the Plymouth Barracuda. All three cars were quickly labeled as 'pony cars'. A name that immediately puts an end to the mustang; This racehorse is anything but a pony. The American flair, the roaring V8 sound and the wonderfully softly sprung chassis are difficult to compare with anything else. When the weather is nice, we quickly catch ourselves taking unnecessary walks; certainly not the fastest route home! 'Our 'Stang' is Signal Flare Red and has the red luxury interior. This 'luxury' interior can be recognized by the mustang horses stamped in the leather on the seats. With the white electric hood and white walls, this Ford is just right in balance. She was born in 1966, in Metuchen, New Jersey. One of the three factories where Ford produced its racehorses. Her current engine, the 289 cubic inches V8 block with 'a double barrel carburetor', was mounted here. Sounds like an American Cool Classic, don't you think?
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