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1967 Porsche 911
Lutziger Classic Cars AG

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ENGINE SIZE 1991 ccm













The body, engine with approx. 235 hp and technology of the Porsche 911 2.0 offered here have been completely rebuilt over the last 3 years by a well-known Porsche motorsport specialist in Holland, regardless of the cost. The initially pure racing car project, which cost over EUR 300,000, was finally completed as an outlaw of the road with a sensational power-to-weight ratio. The throaty sound of the engine, which has only just been run in with just under 1,800 km, is a real pleasure even when stationary and the handling with short gearshift travel is simply phenomenal. This beautiful Porsche 911 is freshly veteran-approved and leaves nothing to be desired in terms of sporty driving. The Porsche 911, also known as the nine-eleven for short, is Porsche’s best-known sports car and is regarded as the epitome of the brand. The 911 is a typical sports car. It is powered by a 6-cylinder boxer engine in the rear. With the rear-engine design, the 911 continues a classic design principle that can already be found in earlier Porsche developments. Body variants of the Porsche 911 are the Coupé, the Cabriolet and the Targa. In the past, the Porsche 911 was successfully used as a racing car in the Sports Car World Championship and the German Racing Championship. Today, racing cars based on the 911 are mainly used in one-make cups such as the Carrera Cup. The first 911 version built in series from September 1964 was the so-called original model presented at the IAA 1963 with a 130 hp 2-liter six-cylinder boxer engine. Even when stationary, this 911 is a homage to the original, the clarity of the mechanics and the art of omission.
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