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1968 Maserati Ghibli
Cool Classic Club

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Color Light blue


Interior Beige


Transmission Manual


VAT deductible No


Power 330 PK

- Maserati, the excellent choice for the man of taste who just wants something special and different. - The Italian charm shines through, you immediately get the feeling that you are taking Gina Lollobrigida for a luxurious bite to eat. Maserati has a big name today, these types of models are the reason that Maserati deserves grandeur. The Ghibli, named after a warm air flow, and we now understand that here. When you cruise by car it feels like you are being taken on a magic carpet, all the space around you and a great force moving you forward. The sound of this Ghibli is exactly what you want from a classic eight-cylinder. There are a lot of things besides that that make the car great. At the time, the Ghibli was supplied with a ZF gearbox as standard. That piece of German technology ensures that you have the best of both worlds. The carriage is as Italian as can be, Giorgetto Giugaro designed the car for Ghia in his younger years. He then founded his own design house and continued with the Iso Grifo and De Tomaso Mangusta, not the least of which are cars. This Maserati Ghibli was originally delivered in Belgium. A matching numbers car, factory correct in Celeste Chiaro, impressive documentation and also the early Ghibli with the beautiful 4.7 block. Investment-wise exactly what you want. Between 2015 and 2018 they restored the Nut & Bolt car. The car is technically and optically in fantastic condition, and the interior is even completely original. The great thing about a Ghibli dashboard? A hundred buttons that no one knows what they are for, but everything works in this car. This sixties supercar is waiting for a new owner who enjoys long, comfortable rides with air conditioning. Will we see you soon?
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