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1968 Porsche 912 “Softwindow Targa”
Thiesen Hamburg GmbH

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Colour Silver


Interior Interior black/checkered


Gearbox Manual shift


Drive Left


Power 90 PS

This Porsche 912 is one of only a few built Softwindow Targa models. Between 1967 and 1969 only 967 units were produced. The Porsche 912 was intended as a direct successor of the Porsche 356. As a less costly version compared to the 911, from 1965 it was to offer a slightly tuned-down alternative. This rare Softwindow Targa was delivered new in the USA. A few years ago the vehicle came back to Germany. On the basis of its exceptionally preserved original substance this 912 was extensively partially restored. Colour combination and engine correspond to the delivery specification. This is a special opportunity to acquire a rare Porsche 912 Softwindow Targa in a very attractive and original colour scheme. Equipment 4-speed manual transmission, softwindow targa roof, woo-den steering wheel, radio Blaupunkt Engine 4-cylinder boxer engine, 1.595 ccm, 90 PS (factory specifications)
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