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1969 Mercedes-Benz 280SL Pagoda
Hemmels Vault

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In Stock

United Kingdom






FUEL Petrol


CC 2,778CC


ULEZ Compliant


ROAD TAX Zero Rated



This lovely UK-Supplied RHD 280 SL Pagoda with the Automatic Gearbox has just arrived into stock with the Hemmels Vault. Finished in White with contrasting Black Leather interior, this Pagoda was subject to a sympathetic restoration with its previous owner however the majority of the car remains completely original. Currently part of a large enthusiast car collection, it has been in the stable since 2015, covering a mere 3,000 or so miles (only on sunny and dry days). Previous to that; it was owned in another car collection, for nearly 30 years. This car can also receive any remedial work, customisation or modification which you new owner may desire. The possibilities are endless with Hemmels and we will happily discuss your requirements.
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