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1970 Porsche 911 S
Cool Classic Club

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Power 158 PK


Date Part I June 1, 1970


Color Black


Interior Black


Transmission Manual


VAT deductible No

They've outlasted hippies, disco and yuppies. Is it any wonder they hold their value so well? In 1964, the Porsche "901" was born in Stuttgart. After Armand Peugeot and Ferdinand Porsche had argued about the 0 in the middle, Ferdinand chose eggs for his money. Something to do with the motto; Choose your battles. The "911" was an instant hit; Today Porsche is equivalent to the 911. In 1966, Porsche introduced its first S variant with an upgraded power to 158 hp. In addition, it received thicker lips at the front thanks to a subtle front spoiler to improve aerodynamics and it was the very first time that the well-known 5 spoke fuchs rims were available on a car. All in all, definitely something with a faster cherry on the card! And ours in particular; a copy with everything our air-cooled heart desires: A fully restored Porsche with a revised engine and gearbox. Body has been completely overhauled and a brand new Pepita interior. A well-known history and a well-filled folder of invoices. Original Italian delivered. We've got you covered. It'll make you knuckles white, and your neighbors green - Porsche
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