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1971 Lancia Fulvia Sport Zagato
Car Barn

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United Kingdom


Transmission Manual


Drive Side Right


Odometer reading 80436


Exterior Colour Red


Interior Colour Black leathe

This gorgeous and rare Lancia Fulvia Sport Zagato for sale. It is finished in Rosso Corsa with a black interior This Lancia Fulvia Sport Zagato 1.3 is one of approximately 600 early series 2 examples that included features from both the Series 1 and Series 2 Zagato bodied Fulvia Sport models. Sometimes referred to as a Series '1.5', these cars were built on a Series 1 body/frame with aluminium doors, side opening bonnet, and boot lid, but has the dogleg 5-speed transmission and interior features of Series 2 cars. In 2021 nearly £8000 was spent at Day and Whites bringing the car up the standard you see it in the pictures. These included engine mounts, some bodywork, work to the ignition system and many other items. Jonathon's comments: 'These cars are very rare, especially in this condition. It's been very well looked after. I think they are a really pretty car and the little V4 engine makes a great noise. They handle really nicely too, very Italian!'
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