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1971 Mercedes-Benz 280SL Pagoda
Cool Classic Club

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In Stock



Color Grau Blau Metallic


Interior Beige


Transmission Automatic


VAT deductible No

The Mercedes 280 SL Pagoda. A place of worship for convertible fans. In the early 1960s, Mercedes boss Walter Hitzinger looked for a middle ground between the 300 SL Gullwing (slow flying) and the 190 SL, which was actually reserved for women with large sun hats. In 1963 they presented the W113, which was soon popularly called the "Pagoda", thanks to the shape of the hardtop that was supplied with it for the winter months. Now, almost 60 years later, an absolute cult. We completely agree! The chassis was a shortened chassis of the W111 S-class generation, an M180 straight-six that was actually a further developed aircraft engine. Extended nose, large Bakelite steering wheel, rear-wheel drive... Need we say more? Ours? A neat gray blue metallic on beige leather example that has been making happy kilometers in the Netherlands for 25 years. Equipped with air conditioning, Becker radio, a tracking system, cruise control and a stainless steel exhaust system from front to rear. Always maintained in the Netherlands by a well-known Mercedes-Benz specialist who has blessed this copy for its new adventure.
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