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1972 Aston Martin DBS V8 Series 2
Cool Classic Club

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In Stock



Power 285 PK


Date Part I May 1, 1972 Color


Color Blue Purple


Interior Blue


Transmission Manual


VAT deductible No

"A gentleman's express that'll make hair grow on your eyeballs!" - Jeremy Clarkson For those who appreciate true British beauty with brute force, they soon come across Aston Martin. Which model was the embodiment of that is the DBS V8. With its stately stance, clean lines and unmistakable nod to American muscle cars, this beauty is both graceful and uncompromisingly powerful. This left-hand drive, manual transmission DBS V8 was originally exported to Denmark and later became part of a static collection. In 2010, the car underwent an extensive restoration at the renowned ROOS Engineering Ltd. in Switzerland, investing more than €54,000 in body and mechanical work. Since then, mileage has added just 24 kilometers, with a total of 13,653 km. The dark blue exterior with a purple tint, combined with a matching blue interior, offers a refined look. Under the hood awaits the 5.3-liter V8 engine designed by Tadek Marek - capable of launching this 1,727 kg masterpiece from 0 to 100 km/h in just 5.9 seconds. Although the car has not been driven recently, its aesthetic appeal is undeniable, and this rarity yearns to add miles again. This DBS V8 is not just any car; it is a time capsule from the era of true gentlemen's sports cars, ready for a new adventure. Are you ready to take the wheel? Contact us today! ‍
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