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1973 Alfa Romeo GT 1300 Junior
Thiesen Hamburg GmbH

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Colour Amaranto


Interior Interior beigebrown


Gearbox Manual shift


Drive Left

The Alfa Romeo 1300 GT Junior is part of the famous Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint GT series, which was produced from 1963 to 1977. The 1300 GT Junior was produced from 1965 to 1977 and around 91,195 units were built. This vehicle series is known for its sporty and elegant design, created by Bertone under the direction of Giorgetto Giugiaro. The independent front suspension with wishbones and coil springs and a rigid axle with trailing arms and coil springs at the rear ensured agile and sporty handling. All vehicles were fitted with disc brakes at the front and rear. Under the direction of the current owner, this GT Junior was completely restored in Italy to a very high standard and extensively optimised technically. The engine was upgraded to 2 litre and the suspension was improved. The original engine comes with the car. A wonderful everyday classic with outstanding driving characteristics, in a very attractive colour scheme and in comparatively very good condition! Equipment Wooden steering wheel 5-speed gearbox GTA repro rims Sports suspension Engine 4 cylinder, 2.000 ccm
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