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1973 Alfa Romeo GT 1600 Junior Zagato
Lutziger Classic Cars AG

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Engine size 1567 ccm


Cylinders 4


Power 109 PS

Doors 2


Seats 2


Exterior colour red


Interior colour black


MFK MOT veteran

The Alfa Romeo 1600 Junior Zagato offered here is a very rare appearance – only 402 examples were built. This Alfa Romeo 1600 Junior Zagato was delivered in Stresa on Lake Maggiore at the beginning of August 1973 but, according to entries in the Libretto di Servizio, found its way to Switzerland in the same month. The car was in the last owner for 10 years and in the previous owner for almost 20 years. It was always perfectly cared for, maintained and serviced. The original Libretto di Servizio with warranty certificate and entry of the first owner, the owner’s and maintenance manual as well as the original on-board tools and jack are present. The car also comes with five original rims. This beautiful Alfa Romeo GT 1600 Junior Zagato, veteran-approved and on magnesium rims, is in top-maintained and absolutely original collector’s condition. The Alfa Romeo GT 1600 Junior Zagato is a rare and elegant sports car from the 1970s, which was developed by Alfa Romeo in collaboration with the famous Italian coachbuilder Zagato. It was originally produced as a lightweight, sporty coupé and made its debut in 1969 with a 1.3-liter engine as the Alfa Romeo GT 1300 Junior Zagato. Later, in 1972, a version with a more powerful 1.6-liter engine followed, known as the GT 1600 Junior Zagato. The 1600 Junior Zagato was only produced in small numbers. Only around 402 examples were built between 1972 and 1975, making it a highly sought-after collector’s item.
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