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1973 Porsche 911
Mouse Motors LLC

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The Netherlands


VAT Type EU VAT Paid


Engine 6 Cylinder


Gearbox Manual


Drive Lhd


Drive train Rwd


Fuel type Petrol


Power 200 hp (149 kw)


Condition Used


VIN 9113501727


Color Yellow


Interior color Black

They’ve outlasted hippies, disco and yuppies. Is it any wonder they hold their value so well? In 1964, the Porsche ‘901’ was born in Stuttgart. After Armand Peugeot and Ferdinand Porsche had fought over the 0 in the middle, Ferdinand decided to take his chances. Something with the motto; Choose your battles. The ‘911’ was an immediate hit; nowadays Porsche is equivalent to the 911. In 1972 the ‘Ur-911’er was slightly modified, before becoming the G-model. This adaptation proved perfect on paper. After the battery was split in two in the nose for weight distribution, the fluids distribution could not be left behind. An oil system was chosen that could be refilled with an ‘oil valve’ at the rear. In the old days, everything was better, petrol stations were manned and they even filled up for you! You guessed it; most ’72’ers ran on mixed fuel… Therefore, in ’73, the decision was immediately reversed and the last generation of ‘normal’ F models were born, of which this is one. Our ’73 is, as you might expect, far from standard. She was born and delivered in Germany as an original 2.4 T, which in 2019, by her current owner, was completely renamed to ST. Before Ferdinand turns over in his grave; she is still matching numbers and equipped with a door turret! The engine has been bored to a 2500 and all Porsche 911 ‘S’T parts used are original. No tupperware tuning, Uncle Fer! Furthermore, she is fully prepared for classic rallies and ready for many years of fun, sideways, that is. Bis bald!
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