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1974 Alfa Romeo GT 1300 Junior “GTA Tribute”
Thiesen Hamburg GmbH

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Colour Red


Interior Black


Gearbox Manual shift


Drive Left


Power 135 PS

In February 1966, Alfa Romeo introduced the Giulia GT 1300 Junior (Tipo 105.30). It replaced the Giulia Sprint from the Tipo 101 series, which still had the Scaglione body from 1954, as the entry-level model. The 1300 GT Junior combined the body of the Bertone GT with the 1.3-litre engine already used in the Giulia range. From summer 1968, the Junior GT became the benchmark in the 1300 class as the GTA Junior. According to available documents, this exceptional Alfa Romeo was extensively restored and modified to a GTA look under the direction of its current owner. During the course of the work, the original 1300 cc engine was increased in performance. A precise specification of the engine structure and extensive photo documentation of the restoration work carried out are available. The result is a beautiful sportive classic with outstanding performance and many special features. This Alfa Romeo is perfect for daily use or any historic events.
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