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1975 1975 Alfa Romeo Giulia 1300 Super
Cool Classic Club

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In Stock



Power 131 PK


Date Part I June 1, 1975


Color White


Interior Black


Transmission Manual


VAT deductible No

- Eleganza in movimento - In the years when Lancia, Fiat and Alfa Romeo were still fighting each other out, Alfa Romeo was the leader in the field of small sports cars. The light-footedness of the Alfa Romeo Giulia is at its best when you quickly steer the 'bitch shaker' through tight bends. The disadvantage was that drivers, who were not very tall, were forced to adopt a somewhat strange, wide-legged sitting position. The pedals hung a little too far away in the footwell and the original steering wheel was the size of a ship's wheel. In the past, the Italians still sold this under the name 'character'. Fortunately, now almost 50 years later, this has all been addressed and 'finished' by a real Alfist. Not a car for the purist, but a real driver's car to relive your younger years even better! The Alfa Giulia was originally born to seduce the 'sporty' fathers of the family. Every time the howler pipe gets a chance to burn a bit, you will feel your chest hair growing! According to the previous owner, this could be even better and she is equipped with a seriously potent 2000 block. End result? About 150 Italian thoroughbred horses, which are clearly already provided with the necessary espressos. He must have a big head of hair by now. This Giulia has been converted to full rally spec. We will nod along with you if she wants to come along and watch. Promise.
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