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1975 Jensen Interceptor MK3
Cool Classic Club

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Power 254 PK


Date Part I June 1, 1975


Color Nevis Blue metallic


Interior Beige


Transmission Automatic


VAT deductible No

"The only car that makes your mustache grow faster." -Jeremy Clarkson A hand-built car from the Kelvin Way factory near Birmingham, the Jensen Interceptor is a name with history, with previous incarnations dating back to the 1950s. This car is best known for its exceptional coolness. What distinguishes this car, the MKIII, is the evolution of the use of materials. Jensen had long relied on fiberglass reinforced plastic, resulting in cars that were nearly impossible to restore. However, the Interceptor marked a return to a steel body, designed by Italy's Carrozzeria Touring. About the same as a shot of limoncello next to the Beef Wellington! The Mark III Convertible, introduced in 1974, was actually purely intended for the American market to compete with the E-Type. This version came with GKN alloy wheels and air conditioning as standard, as well as revised seats. The year of production determined whether you got a G, H, or J series. In 1971, the 7.2-liter replaced the 6.3-liter 383 ci engine. This is the 7.2-liter variant, and you can actually think of him as a British gentleman with rigid mood swings and a taste for a very strong Scotch! Our “Gentleman's Express” has recently received a careful dose of TLC. The car has been treated with great care to maintain the shine of rust-free perfection. Originally delivered in Bahrain with many special features that we are happy to discuss with you, this example is in exceptionally beautiful condition. She comes from a collection and is ready for the next owner.
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