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1978 Jajuar XJ 12
Thiesen Hamburg GmbH

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Colour Black


Interior Leather black


Gearbox Automatic


Drive Left


Power 278 PS

Power steering RetroSound radio Air conditioning Leather upholstery Burl wood Electric windows front/ rear The two-door coupés celebrated their world premiere in September 1973 at the Frankfurt IAA. After numerous delays the production began in 1975. Based on the Jaguar XJ sedan, only a 6-cylinder version was offered at the beginning. The powerful 5.3 liter XJ 12 C with a vinyl roof was manufactured between September 1975 and November 1977. With around 287 hp, the Jaguar reached a top speed of around 240 km/h and was nicknamed the “fastest vinyl roof in the world”. Just 398 examples were made in this version, of which just 26 were left-hand drive! The vehicle offered here was first registered on February 2, 1978 before the car was off- registered in 1993. After around 25 years of standing, the untouched original condition with a rust free body work of the Jaguar was sold to Hamburg and extensively partially restored by a specialist workshop. As part of the restoration, the paintwork on bare metal was renewed and the complete technic was overhauled in detail. This is a rare opportunity to purchase one of the top models of its time in a perfect revised original condition with a mileage of just 45.700 km.
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