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1982 Alfa Romeo Alfetta GTV6
AD Sportscars

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Engine V6 2492 cc


Exterior color Alfa Red


Interior color Beige


Power kW (HP) 117 kW (159 HP)


Country Origin Spain


Gearbox Manual


Fuel Gasoline

Designed by the famous Giorgetto Giugiaro of Italdesign, the Alfa Romeo Alfetta holds a special place in automotive history. Introduced in the mid-1970s, the Alfetta series was known for its advanced engineering and stylish design. The GTV, or Gran Turismo Veloce, was the sportier variant, designed to deliver an exhilarating driving experience. The V6 model, introduced in the early 1980s, featured the legendary Busso V6 engine, renowned for its smooth power delivery and distinctive sound. Alfa Romeo produced the Alfetta GTV from 1974 to 1987. The V6 variant, particularly the 2.5-liter version like this one, was less common, making it a sought-after model among collectors. Here for sale is this beautiful GTV 6 from 1982 in a striking Alfa red exterior, the perfect color for an Alfa, combined with an elegant beige interior. The Alfetta is fitted with magnificent Campagnollo Campanatura magnesium rims. Enthusiasts will have noticed the famous “Quadrifoglio” painted on the front fenders, which was a distinctive feature of the sporty and special versions of Alfa Romeo vehicles. The current owner of this GTV 6 lives in Belgium and has enjoyed it for 6 years. He bought the Alfetta from a Spanish citizen who moved to Belgium in 2013. The bodywork (known to be one of the weak points of the model) is here in excellent condition, given that the car lived most of its lifetime in Spain, and was always stored in a garage once in Belgium. The sound of the legendary Busso V6 – which alone is worth the purchase! – is here enhanced by an almost new exhaust line. The car has just been serviced. We love the car’s vintage appeal. The Alfetta GTV V6 is a true Italian sports car—masterfully designed, powered by beautifully crafted engines, and driven by stylish enthusiasts. And, one feature sets it apart from its peers: it can comfortably accommodate 4 passengers while also offering ample luggage space.
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