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1983 Ferrari 512 BBi
RM Sotheby's

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United Kingdom


Engine number 00549


One of 1,007 examples of the 512 BBi made between 1981 to 1984


Certified by Ferrari Classiche in October 2015 and accompanied by its “Red Book”; found to retain its matching-numbers V-12 engine


Presented in its factory-correct shade of Rosso Ferrari (without black beltline) over a Pelle Nera and Stoffa interior


Documented recent maintenance with Tom Fischer, the classic and race car workshop


Offered with a set of fitted leather luggage with yellow dust covers, a spare wheel, tool roll, and Ferrari folio with books

First delivered by Sportgarage Bruno Wyss of Zofingen, Switzerland, on 8 July 1983, the Ferrari 512 BBi offered here left the Maranello factory finished in Rosso Ferrari (300) with the optional senza strisce nere finish—foregoing the typical black beltline for an all-red metallic hue. The supercar was fitted with a Pelle Nera and Stoffa interior (black leather with cloth inserts). The Ferrari’s first owner was one Rudolf Gerber of Herzogenbuchsee, in the canton of Bern. Its earliest history is not documented and the 512 BBi is next known to have changed hands in November 1997, when it was bought by Carlo Lusser of Baar, in the canton of Zug, who kept the car until around 2007. At this point it was acquired by Erwin Muilwijk of Zofingen, who kept the Ferrari until October 2014, when it was acquired by a resident of Munich, Germany, through the esteemed collector car dealer, Schaltkulisse. In October 2015, the 512 BBi was awarded certification by Ferrari Classiche, and the car is offered with its important “Red Book” that confirms its matching-numbers chassis and engine. It is also accompanied by a fitted leather luggage set with yellow dust covers, a spare wheel, tool roll, and a Ferrari folio with books. In February 2024, the car benefitted from €3,382 of expenditure at Tom Fischer, the classic and race car workshop, with invoices for other recent maintenance available to view on file. An iconic Ferrari in every sense, examples such as this Swiss-delivered 512 BBi are very rarely offered for sale in such excellent condition.
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