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1984 Aston Martin V8 Volante
Thiesen Hamburg GmbH

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Colour Windsor Red


Interior Leather beige


Gearbox Manual shift


Drive Left


Power 305 PS

The basic version of the open Aston Martin V8 is the V8 Volante, introduced in June 1978. It anticipated the styling changes that the fourth series of the closed V8 (Oscar India) also received four months later. These included the completely closed bonnet, which dispensed with an air intake, and a dashboard clad in burl wood. The model was produced in two series. The first series was produced from 1978 to 1985. 439 vehicles of the Volante series 1 were produced. According to available documents, the V8 Volante presented here was delivered as an exhibition vehicle for the “Salon International de l`automobile” in October 1984. The car came to its current owner in Germany in 2009. Almost all Volantes are equipped with the automatic gearbox. The car presented here is one of the few manual V8 Volantes. The car has a total mileage of only 51,000 km and still has its original engine. Due to its rarity and its tasteful colour combination, the Volante is an excellent investment. A car for the discerning enthusiast of 1980s style Aston Martins. Equipment ZF 5-speed manual transmission, leather interior Engine 8-cylinder V-engine, 4 Weber-Fallstrom carburettors, capacity 5,342 cc, 305 hp. Engine no.: V580 53 67 S (“Matching-Numbers”)
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