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1984 Ferrari 512 BBi
D.K. Engineering Ltd

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United Kingdom


Transmission Manual


Drive Side RHD

In October 1976, no doubt spurred on by the imminent arrival of Lamborghini's wild LP400 Countach S, Ferrari upstaged the financially troubled Sant' Agata manufacturer by releasing their 512 Berlinetta Boxer at the Paris Auto Salon, a revised version of the 365 BB, one that was more driveable in all conditions and with an enlarged 5.0-litre engine to provide greater torque. With the exception of a wider rear track, few set-up changes were made, the outgoing 365's 4.4-litre flat-12 engine undergoing the most fundamental revisions. Despite no fundamental changes being made to the bodywork, a couple of detail alterations do help identify 512's from 365 BB's. Most obviously was a new wraparound chin spoiler, NACA ducts carved out from in front of the rear wheel arches and twin rear lights rather than distinctive triple clusters. New wing mirrors and a mildly reworked rear valance housing four exhaust pipes instead of six also differentiated the new version. Inside some minor switchgear and instrument relocation could be noticed. The 512 Berlinetta Boxer continued in production until late 1981, by which time some 823 left hand drive examples had been completed and only 106 right hand drive examples. Later in the year 1981, during October Paris Salon, Ferrari's 512 BBi most notably marked the arrival of fuel injection on Ferrari's flat-12. Replacing the familiar Weber carbs (seen on almost every previous Ferrari model) fuel injection not only improved an engine's flexibility but made it much easier to maintain, to live with, to start from cold as well as prolonging the lifetime of the engine. The BBi would remain in production for almost three years. A few minor detail changes were made to the bodywork with clear reflectors inserted into the front bumper and supplementary driving lights now exposed in the grille and even new wing mirrors. 1,007 fuel injected Berlinetta Boxers were completed, taking entire BB production to just over 2,300 examples. Completed in 1984, this example was ordered from new in the lesser seen Nero over matching Nero hide interior. Imported into the USA shortly after it was built, this BBi was sold to its first owner, Tom Marron of Bellmore, through Steven Kessler Motor Cars of New York City. As of early 1990, the car had been sold from Marron back to the supplying dealer. In 1993, the BBi was sold to Bruce Perrone of Pittsburgh having covered just 3,400 kilometres from new. Perrone would again retain the car for just two years, before offering it for sale in the Ferrari Market Letter in September of 1995. Perrone had covered just 900 kilometres in two years and the mileage stood at just 4,300 kilometres by the time the car was 11 years old. The car was purchased by James and Victoria Crozier in 1996 for just $5,100. The Croziers would continue to use this wonderful BBi sparingly; a service invoice on file from 2002 notes the mileage at 9,200 km. It is understood that the car remained in the Pittsburgh area until at least 2003 and sometime thereafter, it was acquired by a New York–based collector. The car moved across to California before purchase by the current owner. Purchased in 2017 by the current custodian, this example was imported and registered in the UK. At the time of import, the BBi had covered just 12,730 kilometres. In the care of a single private owner since, this BBi has been serviced by DK Engineering and received some other mechanical works by reputable marque specialists. Today, presenting with just 13,950 km (8,670 miles) from new, this fantastic example of Ferrari’s final iteration of the Berlinetta Boxer lineage presents superbly. Fully imported, presenting in the rare combination of Nero over Nero hide and UK road registered this BBi is available to view at our showrooms outside London immediately and will be further serviced by DK Engineering as a part of the sale.
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