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1984 Mercedes-Benz 500SL
Autostorico Partners LLP

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United Kingdom







The Mercedes-Benz SL R107 is a 2-seat convertible produced from 1971 through to 1989. In 1980, the SL received a facelift. Although the styling remained pretty much untouched, there were a raft of technical changes to reflect the new technology that had been introduced in the 1979 S-Class sister car. Produced with several engine options including the 500 4,973cc V8 which produced an impressive 237bhp. This propelled the car to a top speed of 140 mph. The Mercedes-Benz 500 SL offered here at Autostorico was first registered on 20th September 1984 and is finished Sliver Bule metallic with Blue interior trim. Having covered an indicated 75,036 miles this lovely example benefits from an electrically operated soft top along with its original factory hardtop. The car is supplied with original owner’s manual, original toolkit, some earlier MOT’s and copies of earlier registration documents.
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