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1984 Porsche 911
AD Sportscars

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Gearbox Manual


Fuel Gasoline


Engine 3.2 L Flat 6


Exterior color Prussian Blue


Interior color Blue leather


Power kW (HP) 231 HP


Country Origin Germany

The G-model series, produced from 1973 to 1989, marked a significant evolution in the Porsche 911 lineup. Known for its distinctive impact bumpers, which were introduced to meet stricter safety regulations, the G-models feature a blend of classic Porsche styling and modern enhancements. Originally delivered new in Germany in 1984, this Porsche 911 Cabriolet was produced for the European market (European Specs). It was then exported to California, United States where it stayed for 25 years. The car is in very good condition and is still featuring its original colour combination, an elegant Prussian blue exterior, complemented by a matching blue leather interior and a blue hood. The distinctive blue Fuchs wheels add a unique touch to the already eye-catching Porsche. In total, the Porsche 911 has had five owners throughout its life, with three in the United States and two in Europe. In 2011, it was reimported to Belgium and has since been registered as an Oldtimer. When he bought the Porsche in 2017, the current owner put the 911 through its paces, carried out all the necessary work to bring it into perfect working order and took the opportunity to replace the speedometer with an odometer. Just over 15,000 km have been covered since then. Today the car runs perfectly well and is ready for new escapes. Major service has been done in April 2024. A complete documentation file is available, containing original service book, all invoices and detailed maintenance records, ensuring transparency and confidence in its well-documented history. In summary, this is a very nice exemplar of the iconic 911 which embodies the perfect blend of classic design and unmatched driving pleasure of the legendary air-cooled flat six engine. For more information or to arrange a viewing, please contact us. The car can be seen in our premises, 5 min away from Brussels airport.
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