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1985 Audi Quattro Sport SWB
Mouse Motors LLC

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One of 214 SWB Homologation examples


One of just 21 in Copenhagen Blue


Dashboard signed by Walter Röhrl


The recent recipient of a $20,000 service


Imported to the U.S. in 2018 where it joined a prominent US collection

Mouse Motors is proud to present one of the most influential car designs in recent decades, the Audi Quattro Sport introduced four-wheel drive into the automotive mainstream. A classic homologation model, Audi made just enough of these to compete in the FIA World Rally Championship. Of the 214, the factory reserved 20 Quattro Sports, and just 164 were sold at an initial ticket price of DM 203,850 (roughly $80,000). The short-wheelbase Quattro Sport was a classic homologation model. Audi made just enough of these (214) to compete in the FIA World Rally Championship, which the original long-wheelbase version dominated in the early 1980s. The factory reserved 20 Quattro Sports, and just 164 were sold at an initial ticket price of DM 203,850 (about $80,000). The Sport Quattro offered Audi’s most powerful engine in that series, which was rated at 306 horsepower, out of a turbocharged 5-cylinder DOHC 20-valve engine. The aluminum engine and Kevlar bodywork panels were designed to be lightweight, and top speed was claimed at 155 mph. The Quattro Sport also featured the first appearance of anti-lock brakes on an Audi Quattro. With the short wheelbase and high-strung engine, driving the Quattro Sports provides a driving experience that is one to remember. Still, given the low production numbers, great motorsports history, and general sexiness of the car, it’s not at all surprising that the Quattro Sports has gained popularity over the last few years, pushing values toward the 7-figure range. Sourced from Germany in 2018, this example was then imported to the United States. With limited use from 2018-2021, a full and thorough service was completed in September of '22 totaling $20,000. Just 21 of these Quattro Sports were originally delivered in Copenhagen Blue so this presents a unique opportunity to acquire a very rare, desirable example.
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