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1985 Ferrari 288 GTO
RM Sotheby's

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United Kingdom


Tom Wood ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's Offered from The Gran Turismo Collection

United Kingdom | London, United Kingdom

Chassis No. ZFFPA16B000056339

Engine No. 00183

Gearbox No. N184

Body No. 177

Differential Number N184 Part of The Gran Turismo Collection since 2012


One of 272 Ferrari 288 GTOs built


Ferrari Classiche-certified, retaining its matching-numbers body, chassis, differential, engine, and gearbox


Finished in Rosso Corsa over a Pelle Nera interior


Delivered with air conditioning and power windows; fitted with Megaphone exhausts


The odometer reads 23,609 kilometres at time of cataloguing


Accompanied by Ferrari jack bag, manuals, spare wheel, and toolkit

Mr Kraak! It is during this restoration that the choice of the current color is made.
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