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1988 Ferrari 328 GTS
Oldtimer Galerie International GmbH

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In Stock



Body Color red


Color inside other


Steering left


Gearbox manual


Gears 5


Cylinders 8


Displacement 3184cm3

With its first registry from 25th May 1988, this beautiful Ferrari in the unusual combination of red with red leather was handed over to its first owner from Romont on the 28th May through the garage Zenith in Sion. Probably towards the end of the 90s the 328 received a new owner also from Romont. Later, the pretty targa was sold to the Zurich area, where in August 2019, it was acquired by the last owner with then 57’992 kilometres showing. As part of a major collection and exhibition the Ferrari was driven only very sparingly, resulting in a total mileage of now 58’700 kilometres only. This 328 GTS is in very good and cherished condition and will be sold with the last major service including cambelt change performed in July 2019 at 57’860 kilometres. The last veteran MOT was performed in July 2019.
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