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1990 Alfa Romeo Spider
AD Sportscars

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In Stock



Gearbox Manual


Fuel Gasoline


Engine 2000 cc


Exterior color Grigio Chiaro


Interior color Beige


Power kW (HP) 93kW (125Hp)


Country Origin Italy

Introduced in 1990, the Alfa Romeo Spider 2.0i (4th generation) continues the legacy of the iconic Spider roadster. It is a charming and agile sports car that combines timeless design elements, clean lines and open-air driving pleasure. The 1990 versions are less prone to corrosion and the power steering, which became standard, as well as the electric windows provide comfort that can be appreciated by all. Please welcome this beautiful exemplar of the Alfa Romeo Spider 4th generation, painted in metallic silver grey with a beige interior. Of Italian origin, the roadster was registered for the first time in Belgium in 2003 with only 38,000 km on the odometer. It was purchased by its last owner in February 2019 and registered as an ancestor, being used very occasionally. The black soft top, which is known to be easy and quick to handle, is here complemented by an optional hard-top in assorted grey that allows the Spider to be used in winter. The charismatic 2.0L inline-four engine produces 126 hp and offers sufficient performance for a cruising convertible. Thanks to its low mileage, this Alfa Romeo Spider is in very good condition. It comes with its original service book. A major maintenance has just been carried out on the vehicle. The upholstery and carpeting were replaced in 2024… In order words, the Spider has found a new lease of life and is ready to hit the road again. So, if you are one of the many enthusiasts who appreciate its timeless look, give us a call and come to see it in real. We are located 5 min away from the Brussels airport.
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