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1990 Porsche 964 Carrera 2
Cool Classic Club

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In Stock



Power 250 PK


Date Part I August 14, 1990


Color Artic Silber metallic


Interior Schwarz


Transmission Automatic


VAT deductible No

- A 964 is about as fast as you can go, without having to eat airline food. - A classic that for many ‘types’ the 911. The 964 was born in Stuttgart from 1989 to 1995. Compared to its predecessor, the 964 was 85% different, with many modifications and improvements. Then again that rough 3.6 liter air-cooled boxer behind your back, called the M64. Atmospheric power that you as a car enthusiast cannot start without a smile or a giggle. The 964 was so much faster than its predecessor that by 1989 only the Carrera 4 (4×4) was available. When all technology had caught up with the new power source, the Carrera 2 was born. A lot lighter and rear-wheel drive. Sounds like a "perfect recipe" for car enthusiasts, doesn't it? This Porsche 964 Cabrio was born in 1990 in the crib at Porsche Centrum Hamburg. After a few years and some 'Leerlaufzeite' in the German Alps, it arrived on Dutch soil in 1997. Neatly stamped by many Porsche specialists before this copy was delivered to our showroom. Full leather interior with a solid Artikzilber paint, actually exactly as you want it. In summary, we can only say that this is a matching numbers copy that yearns for more kilometers. A fantastic appearance and unique driving characteristics will certainly make this a car that will only be appreciated more in the future. See you soon?
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