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1992 Porsche 964 Carrera RS
AD Sportscars

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In Stock



Gearbox Manual


Fuel Gasoline


Engine 3600 cc


Exterior color Amethyste


Interior color Black / Purple


Power kW (HP) 191 kW


Country Origin Germany

Introduced in 1990, the 964 RS was initially developed for the N/GT racing group allowing GT cars to participate in European Racing championships across Germany, Switzerland, and Belgium. The name Carrera RS stands for RennSport. It is also referred to as RS 92 because due to homologation requirements, the production was delayed, and the first models only came out in 1992. This stunning example was delivered new in Stuttgard in February 1992, dressed in the rare and most sought-after Amethyste metallic color with black/purple interior. RS buyers aren’t just any customers. The RS92 is a matter for connoisseurs. This 964 RS stands out with its original 17-inch magnesium wheels, streamlined side mirrors, and a lowered body. Inside, everything that’s unnecessary has been eliminated, while the engine and the chassis have been optimized for resolutely sporty use. The model also demonstrates exemplary reliability. The second owner bought the RS in Germany when it was 5 years old. He took it to France in 1999 with 55.000 Km on the odometer. Between 2000 and 2017, the beautiful 964 RS stayed in France. It was maintained by 2 passionate owners who integrated the Porsche fan Club in France. Since 2017, it has been registered in Belgium. The car runs well and is in good aesthetic state. It is matching number, still featuring all its original parts (assembly numbers verified). It has never been accidented and is dressed in one of the most beautiful colors for an RS and is sold serviced. If you are a 911 enthusiast looking for an efficient sportscar for the track, an authentic, uncompromising sports car with which you can learn the art of driving, look no further ! This 911 Carrera RS 3.6 is a genuine road-legal 964 Cup, the beauty you’ve always dreamed of. Available in our premises in Zaventem, 5 min away from the Brussels airport.
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