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1994 Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Roadster
Thiesen Hamburg GmbH

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In Stock



Colour Weissgrau


Interior Rot


Gearbox Automatic


Drive Left


Power 190 PS

The well known 300 SL Roadster and Gullwing that Toni Ostermeier has built in his Company called Gullwing are the only tolerated Replicas of 300 SL`s. They look very similar to the Original cars and are sought after and affordable. This rare 300 SL Roadster from Toni Ostermeier comes with the 300 SL 6 cyl engine and automatic gearbox from the 300 SL R 129 that started in March 1989. The car was first registred in 1994 and has just recevied the historic registration plate. Reliable massproduction drivetrain Optical very close to the Original Automatic and power steering
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